Sunday football

I noted yesterday I haven't looked at the site in months, after checking it multiple times a day during an actual season. And while I'll get into NFL football a bit more with no NHL going on now (and the Bears being the biggest sports hope in Chicago currently), it's not really my sport, and the sites just don't have the puns and bad headlines.

Seeing the Bears get FOUR touchdowns in the first quarter--a team record--before I headed out for a sunny afternoon of biking was fun, at least. Just like my previous Sunday, I didn't learn the final results of the Bears' noon game until 5:30 pm while in a great independent coffeeshop after a day of biking Chicago neighborhoods (different coffeeshops and neighborhoods each week, but out with the same friend, less of a football/Bears fan than I). 51-20?!!!!

I do love charts and tables, so I looked at the NFL site's version. I was saddened to learn there's still no team that hasn't won a game this far in. But there is still one that's won every game, and Chicago comes in pretty nicely on here:

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